Friday, February 10, 2012

Subtle French hints

A few years ago I removed the dusty rose curtains in the bathroom and scraped off the flowery pink wallpaper. Begone 1985!

I added a fresh coat of paint, a new mirror and two new lights and the room looked 90 per cent better. The only thing amiss was some artwork to adorn the walls. That I left to my wife Heather who has a better eye when it comes to accessories, be it household or wardrobe.

Heather didn't rush the job. Instead she took her time and started acquiring artwork that spoke to her. She even designed a few pieces herself and gradually began adding them around the bathroom. The bare walls eventually filled with decorative pictures, knick-knacks and artwork. It looked good, well worth the wait.

I do some of my best thinking in that bathroom and the other day I sat there pondering life. My eyes scanned the room and focused on everything Heather had added since I'd finished painting. Everything she'd put in the room had a French flare. Have a look at some of the decorations and see for yourself.

As I sat there thinking it dawned on me, could this be a hint? Do you think Heather wants to visit the real Paris, France? Could her sites be set on something slightly larger and definitely more European than our bathroom? Oui, oui!

I began to smile sitting there. I knew what I had to do. It may have taken me a few years but true to form the man of the house figured it out. It was up to me to make Heather's dream come true. And to do that there was only one place I could take her...

We had to board a plane...

Tickets in hand...

And take off to...

Las Vegas baby!!!

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