Friday, April 1, 2011

Kobo heaven

Our family has a love-hate relationship with my wife Heather's Kobo e-reader. Earlier this week we hated it, today we're back in love with it.

Last week when my daughter Rebekah went to use it a disturbing line ran down the left side of the screen rendering it useless. I screamed at Rebekah, Heather screamed at Rebekah and then we both screamed at once. Why we were screaming at our daughter was a good question because she didn't break it, she discovered it was broken. Nevertheless, Rebekah bore the brunt of our anger.

"Can you believe this, I've had it six weeks, six weeks and it's broken," Heather said. Then to emphasize her frustration she said, "SIX WEEKS!"

By this point Rebekah had disappeared to her bedroom. For those of you who don't know our daughter as well as we do (and how could you?!?) when she's in trouble she just disappears. All other times she's usually in our faces and behaving as wonderfully as any 12 year old girl would. 

So Heather called the Kobo people and they were very sympathetic to our plight. A Kobo lady told us to ship it back to them once we received a postage paid envelope they would courier to us. It arrived and Heather sent it back on Monday.

We fully expected to wait the two weeks they said it would take. On Thursday a new Kobo arrived at our front door. Who got to sign for it? Our daughter. She thought that was so cool.

In life there are times when companies jerk you around because they can. But not Kobo. We thought our e-reader was toast and the money we spent on it was lost. It was nice to not only be treated like human beings but to have our problem dealt with so efficiently. Good on them.

There's only one problem now that we have a new Kobo to enjoy at home. Heather won't let Rebekah or myself touch it. She doesn't share very well. Now I know where my four year old daughter gets it! But that, as they say, is a story for another day.

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