Friday, October 15, 2010

What's so big about Big Blue?

Big Blue is here or so read the pamphlet that came with my new recycling bin.

The Regional Municipality of Durham's Works Department has been dropping off these giant blue bins for the past two weeks. They're being distributed to approximately 184,000 households across Durham Region.

For those who know me it's no secret I'm a fan of recycling. My garage is full of blue boxes and a green bin, my backyard sports two composters. So when I heard residents were getting these Big Blue bins I thought the recycling program was expanding. According to the pamphlet that came with Big Blue that's not the case.

Rather than expand the program to include more items such as clam shells and take out containers, these newer, larger recycling boxes are simply to put your plastic containers and bottles into, items we currently put into 'Little Blue'. Paper and cardboard products will continue to be put into the same blue boxes they've always been put in.

So what's so big about Big Blue? As far as I can tell nothing. We're just being asked to put our bottles and plastic containers into it. Now, half the blue boxes I've purchased on my own will more than likely go unused.

Am I the only one who really doesn't need Big Blue? Maybe. By looking around my neighbourhood  enough of my neighbours already have plenty of little blue boxes to accommodate their bottles and plastics. Big Blue to most of us is just a big waste of money.

That said, I will use Big Blue. I've never met a recycling container I didn't like. I just question the necessity for it now. These containers should have been around 15 or 20 years ago when recycling programs started.

1 comment:

  1. Ian, you are a wise man. They're just bigger, so instead of filling a regular sized blue box, I'll have a half full Big Blue. What's the difference? Nothing, just my tax dollars at work.
    I recently bought 2 small bins for paper and cardboard because they smashed them to bits by throwing them down on the end of the driveway. Maybe I should charge the region for the boxes I just bought.


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