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That's me with my brother Sean when we were kids. Our father carved this pumpkin. He's gotten more creative with his pumpkin carving these days. |
I don't suffer from complete Halloweenitis but I do exhibit some its symptoms. Don't ask me why but I get uncontrollable urges at this time of year to carve. I've never come across a pumpkin I didn't want to transform into a jack o' lantern.
To curb these urges I've hosted pumpkin carving parties for the kids. This year we're having our party on Oct. 30. I've got the garage prepped and 25 pumpkins ready to go.
My parents have wondered aloud how I could have come to enjoy pumpkin carving so much given the limited exposure I had to it growing up. My brother Sean and I would help Mom and Dad out but the bulk of the carving was left to our parents. I guess a 'seed' was planted back then and it's grown into a full fledged tradition now that I've grown up and have kids of my own.
Rebekah, Tavish and Bronwyn haven't known Halloween without the carving party. It's looked forward to by everyone and I hope it continues for a long, long time to come. I realize one day my kids will leave home and I'll lose my excuse to host a 'kids' pumpkin carving party. Only then will I have to admit I've been suffering from symptoms of Halloweenitis for decades.
Like most viruses that travel through the house though I'm hoping one, if not all three kids catch it. Misery likes company and maybe one day the party will continue at one of their homes. Or 'grandpa' will continue the tradition giving us all an excuse to get together to carve up a dozen or so jack o' lanterns. I can think of no better tradition to carry on.