My little angel Bronwyn |
I should have seen it coming. Of the three kids, Bronwyn was the only one to sleep 24-7 for the first two years of her life. I thought No. 3 was a dream come true, no worries, no hassles, just sleep.
Then Bronwyn woke up.
From the moment she woke up until now has been a wonderful challenge. If you're ever seen the television show Family Guy you'll recognize this famous Stewy line, "Mommy, mom, mommy, mom, mummy, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mummy, mom, mummy, mom, mummy."
That's my youngest. Please notice her because if you don't she won't stop asking you to notice her.
This whole three children dynamic is new to me. I grew up with one brother, Sean. It was never difficult getting along because Sean was very good at doing anything I told him to! My parents probably recall a few backseat arguments but by and large two was a manageable number. Three kids in one family, that's new territory for me.
To be No. 3 you have to be stubborn, loud, devious, adorable and persistent. You must also have the knack for driving your two other siblings crazy. Bronwyn has mastered her role in this family.
The other day my mother-in-law Kathy mentioned how Heather never enjoyed walking anywhere and she was a bit of a whiner. I looked at Heather then I looked at Bronwyn. Heather was the third of three kids and so too was Bronwyn. Two peas in a pod!
We may want to freak out sometimes at the antics our little three year old is putting us through but at the end of the day we both know Bronwyn is just doing what she's supposed to do -- fitting in the only way she knows how! I wouldn't want it any other way.